7 Success Stories from our Franchises

This summer has been prosperous for Premium Service Brands as homeowners around the country took to increasing their houses’ values and comfort while staying at home. But the success we see at PSB would be nothing without the dedication and diligence of our hardworking franchisees. Here is a sample of some of the good news we’ve seen – even during a pandemic.
Anthony was inspired to open his 360º Painting franchise because he was searching for fulfillment while contributing to his community in a positive way.
2. 360º Painting ranked among top 5000 fastest-growing private companies in the US.
Since the beginning of 2020, 360º Painting has signed on 15 new franchises!
While most of Maid Right’s revenue typically comes from residential cleaning, many franchises are seeing small commercial spaces request Maid Right’s deep cleaning services. COVID-19 is changing cleaning standards in business and in the home.
With more people staying home and enjoying their outdoor spaces, Renew Crew franchise owners have the opportunity to provide value for their customers.
When schools shut down, Kids-Lift stepped in to donate an initial 80 bags of food to aid children and families, and over the course of the past few months, has continued to donate. You can help by donating through the Kids-Lift virtual food drive. Click here to donate!
Maid Right owners share age-appropriate chores for kids with local news.
Maid Right owners shared valuable advice to their communities during a time when everyone is at home and needing a clean house. Jim Branyon from Maid Right of Greensboro, John Sanfacon from Maid Right of RVA, Maid Right of Dayton, and Matt McCollum from Maid Right of Fort Worth all offered tips to their local news stations!
ProLift Garage Doors owners share safety advice for Garage Door Safety Month with local news.
June was Garage Door Safety Month, and two of our ProLift Garage Doors owners were highlighted on local news with safety tips. Aaron Bernstein from ProLift Garage Doors of Milwaukee and Miles Ghorley from ProLift Garage Doors of Chattanooga established their brands as trustworthy sources in thier community.
As we head into the fall, we are excited to share successes and stories with our franchisees’ local news! You can read more about our franchises and franchisees in the news here.